Saturday, January 11, 2014


Hello! My name is Jazmine and I'm 20 years old and I just wanted to start a blog about my hair makeup and life I guess. I'm pretty normal I guess, I like doing my makeup, hair, and watching the Kardashian's when I have time. I think Miley Cyrus is amazing and I have no qualms about obsessing over One Direction. I'm very friendly and it takes a lot to get me irritated but the one thing that does get me upset is other people being rude for no reason. Currently I'm a junior in college and I'm studying mathematics but I don't really know what I'm going to do with that. My future is kind of in limbo right now and I guess the only thing I have a firm grasp on is my appearance so I do my best to keep that up and even then it's kinda random. I love attention and have a flair for the dramatics but only in the best way possible, I don't cause any problems with anyone and no one has problems with me (as far as I know.) Also I have my parents who have supported me through so much, last semester I took a semester off college and they were really cool about it and didn't down me for it, and they've helped me so much this past 6 months and I will be forever grateful for them. I also have two little brothers who are the best, they are annoying but I love them and they're hilarious (but not as funny as me.) I have the most amazing friends anyone can ask for they deal with all my little quirks and laugh at my jokes which is really all I can ask for. So basically that's all there is to know about me, and I hope that even if no one reads this I can in the future and get a better grasp on my life and my personal growth I guess...

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